Privacy Policy

Inform Property Group Pty Ltd is committed to ensuring you receive exceptional experiences and high-quality services. This policy articulates our ongoing responsibilities to you concerning the management of your Personal Information.

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Protecting your privacy

Inform Property Group is committed to protecting your personal information. This policy outlines our approach to collecting, using, and managing your personal information in the context of property transactions and related services such as sales, rentals, leases, and property management. We operate in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and strictly adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles outlined in the Act when handling your personal information. In this policy, "personal information" refers to any details or opinions about an identified individual or someone who can reasonably be identified, regardless of its accuracy or format. This definition encompasses not only general personal information but also sensitive information and health-related data. Sensitive information includes details about an individual's health, race, ethnicity, political views, religion, philosophy, professional affiliations, sexual orientation, and criminal history. Health information covers aspects such as an individual's physical or psychological health, medical services received, and preferences regarding future healthcare.

Who is Inform Property Group?

Inform Property Group Pty Ltd (ACN 674 752 964 and ABN 95 674 752 964)

Why do we collect your personal information?

Inform Property Group needs to collect personal information about individuals who: apply or are associated with people who apply, for a tenancy; are currently renting a property we manage ; seek advice in relation to property investment or management; seek or receive services from us in respect of the purchase or sale of a property; seek or receive services from us in respect of the leasing or management of a property or property portfolio. Additionally, we gather personal information about our staff and individuals associated with our contractors, business partners, and service providers.

Inform Property Group uses the personal information it collects for different purposes depending on the services provided.

If you are a tenant or prospective tenant, we collect personal information for the purpose of assessing the risk of providing you with a tenancy, processing your tenancy application, preparing the lease or tenancy agreement, collecting rental payments and other purposes related to the establishment or management of your tenancy, including the connection of utilities. If you are a property owner, we collect personal information for the purpose of managing or selling your property or property portfolio and providing you with related services. If you are a purchaser or prospective purchaser, we collect personal information for the purpose of keeping you updated during the purchase process. If you are purchasing a property we manage, we collect personal information for the purpose of managing tenancy changes arising from the change of ownership. If you are a staff member or associated with a contractor or service provider, we collect personal information for purposes associated with your employment or managing the contract or services provided. If the information we require is not provided, we may not be able to provide the services you want or to the level you want. For example, we may be unable to: properly assess a tenancy application, which may result in the application being declined; provide you with our property management, sales or other services; arrange for maintenance or repair of a property; or deal with enquiries and complaints.

What personal information do we collect?

The types of personal information Inform Property Group collects depends on the type of service sought or provided. To provide any of our real estate services, whether to a tenant or owner, we at least need to collect names and contact information. In addition, we also collect the following types of information: With tenancy applications, we usually collect: identity verification information (e.g. driver licence or other ID details); emergency contact details; details of any current tenancy and/or rental history; details of current home ownership; if you are employed, details of current and previous employment (including information about your employer(s) and the income received) if you are self-employed, information about your business and business advisors (e.g. solicitor or accountant); if you are a student, information about your place and course of study, income and parents; if you are in receipt of social security or other benefits, details of the type and amount of benefit; details of vehicle and pet ownership where applicable; and names and contact details for referees. In the case of new or established tenancies, we may need to collect: information about your use of the property (for example to provide maintenance or utility connections); and sensitive or health information (for example if there are special circumstances that you would want taken into account by the property manager or owner). In the case of property owners or purchasers, we usually need to collect: emergency contact information; information about the property; banking details; and if we are providing advice about property for investment purposes, financial information. Where it is practicable to do so, we will allow individuals to deal with us anonymously or using a pseudonym. However, this will ordinarily only be possible in the case of very general or preliminary enquiries.

How do we collect the personal information?

Whenever possible, we aim to gather your personal information directly from you. This could happen through various channels such as face-to-face interactions, written communication, phone calls, emails, and via our website. For potential tenants, we primarily collect personal information through online or hard copy tenancy application forms when they apply to rent a property. For property owners, personal information is typically gathered when the owner or their agent requests our services to sell or manage a property on their behalf. Additionally, we may collect personal information indirectly from various sources, including: Prospective tenants who provide personal information about another applicant, emergency contact, or referee on a tenancy application form. Mercantile agents, tenancy databases, courts, tenancy tribunals, rental bond authorities, or insurers regarding a tenant. Real estate agents who have enlisted our services to manage a property. Utility providers, tradespeople, and contractors who are rendering services related to a property. We rely on tenants, prospective tenants, and property owners to ensure that if they provide personal information about a third party, they either obtain consent from that third party or, if not feasible, make the third party aware that their personal information has been disclosed to Inform Property Group.

What do we tell you about our collection of personal information?

When we collect personal information, we are required to take reasonable steps to ensure that the individual is aware of certain details relating to the collection of personal information. We are required to do this whether we collect the information directly or indirectly via a third party. Usually, Inform Property Group does this by ensuring that a ‘collection statement’ is provided at the time the personal information is collected. Usually the statement is printed on or provided with the hard copy application form or linked to the online portal through which the information is collected. The information may also be included in a recorded message given when you deal with us by telephone. The collection statement will usually include information about the purposes for which we are collecting the information in the particular circumstances, the types of organisations that such information may be disclosed to, the consequences of us not being able to collect the information and whether there is any legal requirement for the information to be collected. We may also inform people about our collection of personal information by other means, including through the media, through mail-outs or notices published on our website.

Use and disclosure of personal information

Inform Property Group collects and uses personal information solely for service-related purposes, including tenancy management, property transactions, and client relations. While we generally don't share personal data externally, we may disclose it to tenants, property owners, authorities, and service providers as needed. We seek consent for disclosures and ensure third parties use data appropriately. Subscribers to our mailing list receive updates and offers, with an opt-out option provided. Legal obligations may require sharing information despite preferences. Personal data may also be disclosed as mandated by law, such as for public safety or legal proceedings. Access to personal information is restricted to authorized Inform Property Group personnel.

How do we hold and manage personal information we collect?

Inform Property Group safeguards personal information through various security measures, including secure premises, password-protected electronic systems, limited access policies, and staff training. We strive to keep personal data accurate and up-to-date by providing opportunities for updates and conducting regular reviews. Any inaccuracies are promptly addressed through corrections or updates. You can request access to your personal information held by us, subject to legal restrictions and potential associated costs for complex requests. If you believe there are errors in your records, please inform us, and we'll investigate and correct them accordingly. Requests for access should be made in writing to our Privacy Officer, accompanied by signed consent if accessing information on behalf of another person.

Dealing with Inform Property Group online

Our policy extends to personal information you email or provide on our website. While we use SSL security for data encryption, online transmission carries risks. Upon receiving your information, we safeguard it against misuse or unauthorized access. If you're wary of online sharing, contact us via phone or in person. Our website utilizes cookies and web beacons to gather non-personal data like page visits and browser details. This information aids in improving our services but isn't used to identify individuals. Search terms entered in our database aren't linked to personal data and are solely used for statistical analysis or system administration. This policy doesn't cover information shared on linked external websites.

Complaints and further information

If you believe your privacy has been interfered with and want to make a complaint, please contact our Director. The Director will investigate your complaint and notify you of the outcome. If your complaint indicates that there has been an interference with your privacy by a person other than Inform Property Group, the Privacy Officer may discuss the complaint with that other person in an attempt to resolve it. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint or the way we handle it, you may make a complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at If you would like further information on our privacy policy or if you have any concern about the protection of your personal information, please contact: Inform Property Group Pty Ltd, Director & Officer in Effective Control – Joshua Shenouda via email at 0404 815 167